If you saw my show announcement that came out …you saw the painting of “Chess Board” oil, 9x 12 on the front in black and white. Here’s the real thing in color. Again it was late afternoon and the sun was shining on the horses cooling off back at the barns. Chess Board’s groom was giving him sips of water every turn around the paddock and whenever he would take a sip he would swing his head up and look into the distance as if there was something really interesting out there. I would love to know exactly what was in his mind.
“Shade at the Barn, Iroquois Day” oil 9x12. The ultra activity over by the race course
was balanced by a wonderful shady calmness back at the barns in the afternoon.
That’s what drew me to paint this little landscape of the view from that spot.
“Houghland and Naylor Silks” Oil , 9x12. These two horses and jockeys were headed to the start of the Iroquois. I wanted to feature the afternoon intense color of their silks and opted for this unusual view to do just that. Although the horses are not the stars in this painting….they were “Tax Ruling” and “Chivite”. Tax Ruling turned out to be the winner that day. I’d like to do another painting of these two horses together and have it on my must paint list ( my must paint list is very long….. )
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